Amelita Galli-Curci

Audio Clips

Play “Caro Nome” from Rigoletto by Verdi (107k). Amelita’s first great success at her debut which then and later sent audiences into wild approbation. (Recorded 1917; excerpt: 55 seconds.)

Play “Sempre libera” from La Traviata by Verdi (128k). Amelita’s ability to hit and sustain high notes with total control and perfect intonation was one of her outstanding endowments. (Recorded 1919; excerpt: 66 seconds.)

Play “C’est l’histoire amoureuse” from Manon by Auber (140k). A perfect example of Amelita’s flawless technique and intonation is clearly exhibited in this short excerpt. (Recorded 1917, excerpt: 72 seconds.)

Play “Ombra leggiera” from Dinorah by Meyerbeer (516k). Dinorah was Amelita’s favorite rôle. I have presented the entire “Shadow Song” here as it epitomizes her incredible vocal technique. (Recorded 1917, complete: 4 minutes, 25 seconds.)

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