The Spare's Siscovery

The Spare’s Discovery is the second book in The Carmichael Saga.

History, it is said, repeats itself. Randall Monroe Carmichael was beginning to believe it. His father, the Duke of Calhoun, had risen to his station despite having been “the spare.” The duke’s two elder brothers had died early without issue, and when the second had died at Waterloo it left him to ascend to the dukedom. Now that Randall’s eldest brother is fighting with Her Majesty’s cavalry in the Crimea, he is beginning to fear that indeed history might repeat itself and leave him as next in line to assume the dukedom. Feeling ill-prepared to shoulder such responsibilities, he leaves with his father’s blessing to oversee Rosethorne Manor, one of the Duke’s holdings in Ireland. There he intends to assist with the war effort by breeding horses for Her Majesty and to discover whether he has the skills to manage an estate. Little does he realize that when he sees a limping figure hobbling down an Irish country lane that he would discover far more.

“Randall was on his way home after morning mass. It was a beautiful Irish day. The skies were a brilliant blue and the fields a glorious emerald green. Aurelius was trotting along without any guidance from Rand, but suddenly the horse began to slow and his ears pulled back.

“Randall looked down the road in front of him and spied a figure limping down the middle of the road. He urged the stallion to move toward the wounded individual. Of medium height, the man, Rand noticed, wore brown trousers, a brightly colored waistcoat with white sleeves billowing in the soft breeze, and a dark brown cap. There was no horse in sight. The poor soul must have lost his mount.

“‘Hallo!’ Randall called as he approached the stranger.

“The limping man stopped as Randall pulled Aurelius close to him. ‘Are you hurt, sir? Can I be of assist….’ Rand stopped as he notice the injured stranger’s face. It was soft and heart-shaped. The large blue eyes were arched by red eyebrows. The lips appeared soft and kissa— ‘I say, you are a girl!’

“The young woman began to limp off down the road away from him without so much as a by your leave!

“‘Miss!’ Rand called out as he pushed his stallion to block the girl’s way. He jumped down from his massive horse, taking his hat in hand. He bowed toward the young woman. ‘Randall Carmichael, miss. At your service.’

“He noticed her skeptical look as she took a limped step back.

“&lsguo;Here, let me help you. You look as if you have injured your leg.’ Rand offered his arm for support.

“‘I don’t need your help, sir. I am not far from my cottage,’ the young miss retorted.

“‘Are you sure I cannot help? Aurelius would be more than happy to let you ride.’ Randall gave her his best smile, the one that would cause all the London girls to swoon.

“The trouser-clad miss side-stepped him and his massive horse, ignoring his smile, and continued to limp down the road.

“Randall fell in step with her as he led Aurelius behind him. ‘At least let me see you to your home. My mother would kill me if she knew I let a young lady limp home.’

“ Receiving no answer either way, Rand continued to walk beside the injured woman. ‘Did your horse throw you, miss? I did not notice a loose animal as I rode from town, though if he knows his way home he is probably there already. After I see you home, I can come back this way. If the horse is not home yet, I could look for him if you want me to. I am more than happy to be of service.’

“The young woman stopped. She looked at him directly. ‘You are nothing if not persistent, Randall Carmichael. Fine, see me to the cottage door, but that is it! Stop calling me “miss.” The name is Eileen O’Malley. You may call me Elle.’”

The Sapre’s Discovery is the second book in in The Carmichael Saga. D.W. Craton began writing while still in high school, creating a number of novellas that today would be classified as “fan fiction,” much of it based on the original “Star Trek” television series; she also completed a Western novel while in high school. In the ensuing years college, medical school, and family intervened to limit her creative opportunities, but after retiring from an active medical practice in 2022 she was able to resume creative writing. Her first novel, The Marquis’s Healing (book one in The Carmichael Saga), was published in 2023. The author is married to her college sweetheart, and together they have raised three sons, hosted four foreign-exchange students, and cared for numerous cats throughout Craton’s 38 years of medical practice. She hopes her readers enjoy her story-telling and will look forward to reading more from her pen as the Carmichael Saga continues.
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